
Loch Village Summer Market

Loch Village Market Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 95 stallholders across both sides of the former rail track. every 2nd Sunday of the month -October to April, 8.00 am to 2:00 pm

Loch Village Market Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 95 stallholders across both sides of the former rail track.
every 2nd Sunday of the month -October to April, 8.00 am to 2:00 pm

Changeover Dinner 2021

Poowong North Public Hall July 14

The club held the changeover dinner before the latest round of Covid restrictions and a great night was had by all who attended.

The audience was given a demonstration by John and Steve of the ups and downs of Zoom meetings as the instigator of all things Zoom looked on.

The audience was given a demonstration by John and Steve of the ups and downs of Zoom meetings as the instigator of all things Zoom looked on.

Phillip Ould was presented with a leadership award for guiding the club through two very difficult years. To read Philip’s speech click here…

Phillip Ould was presented with a leadership award for guiding the club through two very difficult years. To read Philip’s speech click here…

Graeme Lancey inducted the new board. From the left: Tim Richards - 2nd Vice President, John Hutchison - Treasurer, James O’Connor - 1st Vice President, Steve Hickmott - the event’s MC seated, Graeme Lancey - Inductor, Bernie Patterson - Secretary, Russell Jones - President, Phil Ould - Immediate Past President, Maurice Schwennesen - Membership Chairman, Alex Miller - Minutes Secretary and Lion Tamer - and missing from this image is Keith Tonkin - Tail Twister.

Graeme Lancey inducted the new board. From the left: Tim Richards - 2nd Vice President, John Hutchison - Treasurer, James O’Connor - 1st Vice President, Steve Hickmott - the event’s MC seated, Graeme Lancey - Inductor, Bernie Patterson - Secretary, Russell Jones - President, Phil Ould - Immediate Past President, Maurice Schwennesen - Membership Chairman, Alex Miller - Minutes Secretary and Lion Tamer - and missing from this image is Keith Tonkin - Tail Twister.

Phillip passing the gong and gavel on to the new President, Russell Jones. To read Incoming President Russell’s speech click here …

Phillip passing the gong and gavel on to the new President, Russell Jones. To read Incoming President Russell’s speech click here …

And we then found out who vacuumed up all of the left over desserts !!!!!!

And we then found out who vacuumed up all of the left over deserts !!!!!!